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Tuesday, July 21: The first Munro! - (Day 2 of 7)

Scotland - July 2020

The photo above was taken on the first part of the climb later on this beautiful day but let’s start at the beginning: breakfast.

Last bit towards the next train station, where today’s route starts, was still a challenge, see video below!

And then once you get there, that station looks like this:

Below is today’s route;
first Munro so should have been the Ben More on the Isle of Mull and this Ben Cruachan second but so now the honor to this one!

The first photo on this page was taken still below the tree line, the video below the route map is after climbing for a while: the view of the reservoir.

Last period had regular questions about practical matters such as e.g. water on the road. Meanwhile, the blue bag from the video below is broken and replaced with a sturdier one that also makes it easier to collect water but the principle remains the same.

Stagnant water is of course trickier than running water anyway but that’s just the charm.

Here is another insight as many have come along in the first few days.

Meanwhile, this remains a challenge;
you always walk with a filled, hot, thermos with tea and at least 1 liter of water anyway because you never know when you will, again, encounter water.

From the lake, via the stream from the video above, on to the first Munro with a better location for dinner on the way than yesterday!

Last night the tent was up (after the long train ride and a bit of a hike) at about 10 o’clock and I planned to do the same now. (also depending on the terrain of course because you need at least a small flat area to pitch the tent).

Finally stopped a little earlier, see video below.