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Saturday, June 5: Direction of Ben More
Scotland - June 2022 (Day 3 of 7)
Same way back to the bus stop and on to Crianlarich.
There in the sunshine ate ice cream. Meanwhile, inquired if I could arrange transportation to the start of the Ben More but that was “complicated. Not even a cab available so just went for a walk. Will you rightly wonder that after all, this is precisely why I go to Scotland but this was a long flat stretch along the road.
If you are in this beautiful area then rather spend the precious time hiking in the mountains of course.
In practice, the hike wasn’t too bad in the end; what seemed to be close to the road on the map was in practice a path through a “forest” so still a nice experience. Many hikers on the trail again this day, all lucky enough to get to the starting point by car. A string of cars there today as well.
Interestingly, then again, you don’t meet all these people on the route, thankfully, but there was also a beautiful lake on the other side of the road where there were probably many people sitting in the sunshine. The way up was clearly marked.
The photo above is on Saturday night with the summit (Ben More) on the right and the next Munro (Stob Binnein) in the background.

It couldn’t be clearer (with the Ben More itself in the background).
Even the path after that was again very clearly marked!
The photo below shows what this looks like from above.
This location is not yet at the summit but at the spot where I ended up eating.