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Scotland 'Newtonmore Nine'
April 2024 - 9th Scottish Adventure Standard 7-day Scottish Adventure (click here for explanation)Started from Newtonmore Station for 9 Munro's
Duration: 7 days, 6 nights
Regions: Cairngorms + Spean Bridge to.
Elgin + Fort Williams
Mileage: 105
Ascent: 4060 meters
Like every (Scottish) adventure, this time we made a plan for a week in which each time it depends on the circumstances (the weather) how many miles will eventually be walked
9 Munro’s during this adventure:
Carn Sgulain – A’Chailleach – Carn Dearg
Geal Charn – Carn Liath – Stob Poit Coire Ardair
Creag Meagaidh – Beinn a’Chaorainn – Beinn Teallach
This adventure flew to Inverness for the first time. The last 8 adventures this was Glasgow.
The reason for this I explain on this page.
Wonderful to be in Inverness again! Had been here before in a previous life when we spent a month in Aviemore.
Now that was the second last stop before I got off in Newtonmore so another nice trip down memory lane!
I will scan in the best photos from that month of Aviemore (are real, printed photos now because this was in 1988 !!!)
and then post them on the site.
For now this trip which, divided into days, is shown in the image below.
Via this link you can find the collection on Komoot!

Most Beautiful Video
Of course I was still expecting snow but when I woke up on the morning of the 3rd day and suddenly
(the night before everything was still green) there was a pack of snow I thought it was very special.
Beautiful images!
1. Snow in April
Now that’s not a big deal, especially if you put the tent “up high.
In this case it was a thick pack that fell in 1 (April) night.
2. Check everything on the checklist by holding it in your hands!
Normally in a the case I put my phone in there is a small pair of reading glasses (see above). In this case I assumed this without actually checking. Of course I can still read everything but with glasses it is all a bit easier. The keyboard of my GPS has very small letters.
3. Amet Sit Consecteture
Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Donec sollicitudin molestie malesuada. Vivamus suscipit tortor eget.
Click on the text and/or image below
to go to the relevant day!
Via this link will take you to the home page of this adventure.