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BLD Hiking
The number of Munros is never an end but a means, the goal is to be in this beautiful area as often as possible! My AdventuresStandard Strategy Munros
Duration: 9 days, 8 nights
Tent: 7 days, 6 nights
Destination: Scotland
Kilometers: Depending Circumstances
Rise: Depending Circumstances
4 Seasons in 1 Day and other “Scottish Challenges” make it impossible to plan every time how many Munro’s I will “bag” the next adventure.
As in life, you make plans that are altered by circumstances which is precisely the beauty of adventures.
Above all, I am not in a hurry, never set an alarm clock and above all I enjoy the surroundings and being (alone).
When I read the adventures on social media or the reports on Walkhighlands I am regularly, positively!, envious of fellow Munro Baggers. Of course I see that there are also people among them who spend hours in the car before they reach this beautiful area. The advantage is that you can then take into account the weather conditions. If the weather forecast is bad you simply choose another weekend.
I may plan my next adventure weeks in advance making this impossible.
May instead of must and also underscored because of course I realize that I am in a very privileged position. In addition, of course, I also see the benefits of my strategy which I describe below.
Most Beautiful Video
Of course I was still expecting snow but when I woke up on the morning of the 3rd day and suddenly
(the night before everything was still green) there was a pack of snow I thought it was very special.
Beautiful images!
1. Checklist
The more often you do something, the more easily you deal with essentials that “have to.
In this case, pack everything because once you go on an adventure, you can’t just go back and pick something up.
2. Safety
An important part of standard preparation is extensive route planning. In addition, the standard measures to keep connected. Not only with the home front but also in any emergency.
3. The Journey
Before I pitch my tent, preferably as high but mostly quiet as possible, the journey to Scotland is, of course, an important part. Meanwhile, by default the same airline and by default the same hotel.
4. Resources
Of course I draw on the knowledge and experience of others where I like to share where I get my wisdom.
Main source is Walkhighlands!
You can find the other sources on this page.
Day 1
The travel day from flat Holland to beautiful Scotland.

Day 2
Buy gas tanks and take the train/bus to the first destination.
The goal is to pitch the tent as high as possible (preferably on top of a Munro) on the first day!

Day 3
Day 4

Day 5

Day 6
Day 7

Day 8
Depending on where I ended up next towards a Train Station or Bus Stop walking but sometimes I have to book a Taxi.
In the hotel, wonderful shower and for the first time in a week not “eating from a bag.

Day 9
Return trip to the Netherlands.
Amsterdam Schiphol and finally home!